Wednesday 14 March 2018

Irish Soda Bread

4 Cups Flour
1 tsp Baking Power
1 tsp Salt
1 1/2 Cups Buttermilk

Preheat oven to 425 F. Grease,spray or line your baking pan with baking paper.

Combine the dry ingredients in a large deep bowl. Stir in 1 cup of the buttermilk, mixing well until the dough is firm and can be gathered into a ball shape. If it is too dry add up to 1/2 cup more buttermilk.

Don't overwork the dough. Shape the dough into a flat round loaf shape, about 8" in size. Place the loaf on the baking sheet and score the top with a large 'X'. Bake for about 45 minutes. The top should be golden and the loaf should sound hollow when you rap on the bottom with your knuckles. Serve this hot with a delicious bowl of Irish Stew.

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